Spellington Diary. Day 2

The Linked in post had not as much as expected outreach:

Linked in post got 1910 impressions

I think it is a slim number of impressions but it is the first time I make one anyway, so just speaking out of my own thoughts.

The repercussion in the app has been really disappointing. A mere 6 new installations:

My convening reach is fairly low. Way lower than I though. It is obvious I am a programmer: again, I have overestimated my capabilities.

Next steps:

  • I need to update the app. I found 4 misspelled words. Out of a total of 3300+, I think I did pretty good.
  • I am also adding firebase to get insights from the app behavior. Only useful when I got a significant amount of users, something that seems quite far though.
  • The app does not show up on a basic search in the play store. I am doing some research on play store SEO.