Spellington diary - Entry 4

A month has gone by, and I have miserably failed in my expectations of getting 1000 downloads of the app in a month. I obviously have sub-estimated the effort needed to push some content in the Play Store, and have it noticed.

I still hold some hopes of making a difference with the app. As such, I am excited to announce that Spellington Adventures has undergone a significant visual overhaul! I have been working hard to improve the user experience and make the app more child-friendly (I bet most of you did not even considered the app is written in Javascript).

I have completely redesigned the look and feel of the app to make it more intuitive and engaging for children. With bright colors, friendly characters, and interactive animations, the app now feels more like a game than a learning tool. I have also added Easter eggs throughout the app's UI to make the learning experience even more exciting for children.

See the differences:

I have also added a bunch of new spelling lists, with content curated to match the spelling requirements for grades 1 through 5. By making these updates, I believe that my app can help children enjoy the learning experience and feel inspired to continue learning.

To be honest, I don't know whether investing more time in the app, is worth the effort. Side projects are hard. Invisible apps in the Play Store are heart breaking. I will for sure do some more stuff to the app, but at a lower intensity. For example, I will be adding some assistance to Grade 1 and 2 about using pre-set letters. Also would like to integrate Wavenet voice synth, but that requires enabling google cloud services, and start the billing cycle.

Thanks for reading.